Monday, March 7, 2011

Podcast Yahoo, a Podcast Directory

Podcast Yahoo, is an example of a very full featured

podcast directory. Yahoo's beta offering presents

podcasts from many professional organizations

including NPR, Slate Magazine, and others. They also

organize their listing by categories, offer a list of the

most popular series and episodes currently available,

and let users search through the entire database.

Yahoo's site is professionally done, and likely has

people permanently assigned to work on it, and so it

differs from many of the other podcasting directories

available. Many directories are little more than listings

of amateur podcasters, but Yahoo's site brings out a

number of feeds done by mainstream organization,

raising the level of quality available.

For anyone who wants to find a podcast, Yahoo is

certainly a good choice. They have a slick, well done

site that is easy to use. Yahoo even includes software at

the site so that podcasts can be listened to from within

the web browser. After logging in, Yahoo allows users

to subscribe to feeds they enjoy, letting them be notified

when new episodes are available. Yahoo even has a

detailed walkthrough to help visitors create and begin

publishing their own podcast.

Podcast Yahoo clearly demonstrates the ability of a

corporate group to create a well made site. While it's

very unlikely that Yahoo or a company like it would

have been able to come up with podcasting, once they

know what to do, they can do it well.

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